Sherlock 2.0
Connected Investigation
Good to know
- Capacity : From 15 to 200 pers.
- Duration : From 2h to 3h
- Place : Monaco, Nice, Cannes, Aix en Provence, Marseille, Arles, St-Tropez
- Goal : Investigation on Ipad, by teams, across a city. Fun discovery 2.0

With our high-tech investigation you can take on the role of two of the most famous detectives of all times. In our scenario, Sherlock Homes and Watson have left the United Kingdom to help you lead an investigation worthy of the best novels in the series. To ensure the authenticity of your experience, we have even called on a professional writer to develop our plot. Elementary my dear Watson!
More than an investigation on a tablet, this 2.0 version has been designed to immerse participants in the history of the city you choose from among the renowned cities of the French Riviera: Marseille, Arles, Aix-en-Provence, St Tropez, Nice, Cannes or Monaco! This is where the tablet and its geo-localization application will come handy!
You can spice up this investigation by including other challenges like our urban speed quiz, or have the participants shoot a scene in a mythical spot around the city. It’s up to you!